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Firearm Rights for Felons in New Mexico
Felonies and Firearms: What New Mexicans Need to…

Owning firearms is a constitutional right that many Americans value, especially in states like New Mexico, where gun ownership is prevalent. However, for individuals with felony convictions, this right to a firearm…

New Mexico Male Attorneys
Meet the Male Attorneys of New Mexico Legal…

At New Mexico Legal Group we provide services in the areas of divorce, family law, DWI, and criminal defense cases throughout the state. Each one of our attorneys are highly skilled and…

How Long Does a DWI Stay on Your Record in New Mexico?
How Long Does a DWI Stay on Your…

A DWI conviction in New Mexico is serious enough in that it can lead to jail time, fines and mandatory license revocations – even for a first-time offense. However, the long-term consequences…

new mexico attorney
Which Crimes Can Be Expunged?

If you have ever been arrested, charged, or convicted of a crime in New Mexico, there is no escaping a criminal record. Even if you are never convicted, there will be a…

How to Get Your Record Expunged

The simplest way to ensure that your criminal record is clean is to never get arrested or charged with a crime! However, we all know that sometimes people can make mistakes and…